趁我記憶猶新, 趕快記下來
Coffee Cake
1 cup Sugar (甜一點 1 1/4, 少甜一點 3/4)
1/2 cup butter (奶油)
1/2 cup shortening (酥油)
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 1/2 tsp baking powder (泡打粉)
3 cups all purpose flour (中筋)
1 can of cherry or strawberry or blueberry pie filling
1. Mix A all together, low speed; then turn to high speed for 3 minutes.
2. stir in B
3. throw 2/3 batter in thin plate (薄烤盤), add C, then throw the rest of the batter on top
4. preheat oven 350F/170C, bake for 45 minutes
Final product:
這是Q-mo 在美國唸書時, 小阿姨做過的所有糕點裡最愛的一項, 當時有在旁邊觀摩過, 但回來十多年早忘光做法. 前陣子忽然滿腦子coffee cake, 於是在和阿姨通電話時, 和阿姨要到食譜, 然後週末時去烘培店買酥油和烤盤, 回來後就做了一個. 香得不得了啊~
ps. Coffee Cake 沒加 coffee, 因為這是下午茶時配 coffee 吃的... 顧名思義.